Duodenal Switch

Duodenal Switch

SADI-S (Single anastomosis duodeno–ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy)

This process is a malabsorptive and restrictive surgery. It is one of the most effective methods of morbid obesity surgery. It is a simplified version of the classic duodenal switch surgery.

The traditional Duodenal Switch surgery requires a second connection to deflect the bile. In SADI-S method, a small gastric sleeve is created, by sectioning the greater curvature of the stomach, such as in the Sleeve technique. After that, a duodenum-intestinal is carried out from the ileocecal valve and last 250 cm of the small intestine is connected here without interruption. This method is simpler to implement and less risky method because of includes a single connection.



Tube-shaped stomach reduces the amount of food that you can consume at one time and absorption is reduced because of  the last 250 cm of the small intestine used for food transition. This allows to give more effective weight loss.

Stomach valve doesn't deteriorate. This prevents stomach bile escape and stomach ulcer. Also Dumping Syndrome symptoms (low blood pressure, vomiting and fainting due to the passage of nutrients into the small intestine) doesn't arise.

Any dysfunctional stomach part that can not be reached endoscopically is left in the body. The diagnosis of conditions such as cancer and stomach ulcer that can occur in the blind stomach section left by bypass operation is very difficult.

This is the most effective method for morbid obesity treatment and diabetes control.

In the long term, the transition to this operation is extremely simple for the patients who gain weight after gastric surgery.


Electrolytes and vitamins disorders