Why should obesity be treated?

'Obesity is the second leading cause of preventable death after smoking'  World Health Organization

'Obesity should not be seen as only an aesthetic problem'

Obesity is a condition that affects the entire body system in a wide range such as joint diseases and cancer . Obesity affects the endocrine system and cardiovascular system mostly. Obesity is the most important risk factor for adult type (Type 2 diabetes). The increased amount of fat in the body, increases the resistance to insulin, secreted from the pancreas gland, which is the major regulator of glucose metabolism. So the effectiveness of insulin in the tissues gradually decreases. In addition to this, the excess of free fatty acids have toxic effects to the insulin-releasing pancreatic glands (beta cells). To treat obesity before reserves ran out of insulin in the pancreas gland, is of great importance in this respect.

Cardiovascular (heart / vascular) system adverse effects of obesity is the second most important one.  Increased fat rates in the blood (triglycerides and cholesterol) predispose to atherosclerosis. When arteriosclerosis is severe, hypertension, heart attack and stroke risks emerge. Heart attack risk is two times more in obese patients than people of normal weight. 70-90% of all patients with hypertension has been shown to be obese in scientific studies .

One of the problems that obese individuals are  frequently exposed is sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a disease that breathing during  sleep can be brought to a halt. Sleep apnea can be seen in 40% of morbide obesity patients. Weight loss seems to be the only permanent treatment of sleep apnea.

Obesity is a risk factor for certain cancers in medical litarature. In men, especially prostate and colon cancer is reported to be increased. In women, especially the hormone-induced breast cancer is increasing. It is considered due to the increase of cholesterol , the main source of estrogen.

World Health Organization Obesity can be prevented by the second cause of death after smoking is seen as. Obesity is shown as the cause of three hundred thousand deaths each year in the United States. Given all over the world, death from obesity is much more than starvation deaths.

Heart and Vascular Diseases

Ischemic Heart Disease

Heart Failure

Myocardial Infarction (Heart Attack)


Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonerembolism  



Endocrinological disorders

Type 2 Diabetes

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome

Menstrual irregularity

Problems related to pregnancy and childbirth


Respiratory System

Pulmonary Embolism

Sleep apnea

Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome


Pseudotumor cerebri


Gastrointestinal System

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)


Gall Bladder Stones



Personality Disorders

Orthopedics and Rheumatology


The degeneration of the knee and ankle joint



Skin infections


Breast and uterine cancer

Colon cancer

Liver, Pancreas cancer

Prostate cancer