What is the cause of obesity?

Energy gained from food -energy consumed with exercise= OBESITY

Every human being has a certain basal metabolic rate. That is the energy  spent to sustain normal function of cells in the human body. We need this energy to breath, for our heart beats in order to survive.

This energy is about 25 to 35kcal/ kg. For example, a person in the 70 kg weight spend about 2000 calories for the normal functions of cells. Apart from this, for our regular physical activity, we need extra energy. We gain this energy requirement from nutrients. This equation needs to be in balance. If you increase the amount of energy we get from food and if the energy  you're spending with exercise decreases, body stores excess energy as fat and start going towards obesity. Another important issue is the structure of the genetic background of obesity. Although rapid advances in genetic technologies continues, a particular gene associated with obesity have not yet been found. Scientific data shows that genetics may be a sub-structure. If one of the parents of a child is obese, chance of becoming obese is -30, if both of the parents are obese, the ratio is 50-70%. Apart from this, some endocrine (hormonal) and psychiatric disorders (eating disorders) can cause obesity. Obese patients presenting to a physician should be investigated for endocrine (adrenal gland or thyroid gland disorders) and psychiatric causes. In the United States in 2013, the data presented at the meeting of SAGES cause of obesity further revealed interesting. Quitting smoking campaign in the country, unfortunately, has been shown to increase obesity.

Prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide. As stipulated by the World Health Organization, ratios are frightening.  In1960 's  obesity was seen under 10% , during the 2000s reached 30% and in the case of an increase with this momentum, in 2030 half of the world's population is expected to be obese.